Where Grace and Gift Reside
58” x 45.5” NFS This quilt was conceived as my husband and I strived to form a new company called MyCatholicVoice. Both the company and...

Diamond of a Thousand Suns
"At the center of our being is a point of nothingness which is untouched by sin and by illusion, a point of pure truth, a point or spark...

Reflection/Quilt The Raising of Lazarus
The third reflection is based on John 11:1-44 and is the story of the raising of Lazarus. By Fred Fosnacht Reflection on Third Scrutiny...

Reflection/Quilt: The Man Born Blind
The second reflection is based on John 9:1-41 and is the story of the man born blind. By Fred Fosnacht Reflection on Second Scrutiny The...

Scrutiny Reflection/Quilt: Woman at the Well
The “scrutinies” are a series of three readings from the Gospel of John, used during lent by those entering into the Catholic faith as...

How to Add Faced Binding
There are several good blog posts about faced binding, but I use a combination of methods and have a hard time finding the ones I like....

International Quilt Study Center and Museum
I'm pretty excited that this quilt was accepted into a juried exhibit at the International Quilt Study Center and Museum in Lincoln, NE....

Quilt Walk
Join me for an "Art Quilt Bed Turning" at 1:30 at the Overland Park Arboretum - weather permitting.

Sunderland Gallery Exhibit
A friend and I recently took a drive up to Omaha, NE to visit the Sunderland Gallery and view the exhibit titled, "CURRENTS." Two of my...

Tree Quilt
I added this blog page because some of the art quilts are difficult to explain in a subtitle on a web page. I will begin with this quilt...